iMata is now up and running with new ienvironmentally friendly buses and more icitizen friendly routes.
We have also revamped the maps to make it easier for icitizens to plan their routes.
iMCS students may also use iMata with valid student identification cards. This will help cut down on number of ischool buses neccesary. iMCS Superintendent Songbird Diva is pleased with this partnership, as this will free up more Monopoly money in the ischool budget which can be used to fund programs like music, art, and athletics.
iMata bus drivers will also be certified as minor law enforcement officers in order to help them keep order on the ibuses.
In the near future, iMata also hopes to have it's iLight rail system operating at full capacity.
""iMata bus drivers will also be certified as minor law enforcement officers in order to help them keep order on the ibuses.""
I say give them tasers!! 1 jolt as a warning, 2 for misconduct.
I think you need to discuss that with iChief Robitron.
The law enforcement part falls under his domain.
Oooh wyzard...as ielvis would say, 'Don't be cruel...oooh, oooh, oooh... LOL
BTW: Spread the word - the iHospital is under construction as we speak. After that the iChurch will be built.
Wow, chantigger, iMemphis is really getting awesome!
What kind of iChurch?
An all faiths iChurch (non-denominational). In iMemphis, everyone will be in unity, not divided.
"iMATA" is that what you are suppose to tell yourself when you need to boost self-esteem
That's cute.
Will the imata actually arrive anywhere close to the time you need it, or should I go ahead and pinch myself?
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